Welcome To Sovereign Society Opportunities, which will reap you huge financial rewards. These opportunities are here to help you in your freedom journey.
The whole point of a society is to protect your assets, rights and create generational wealth. We are unleashing opportunities to assist you to this end.
PrivateLawTrusts.org is updating our website and launching several franchise programs. These are available to those we mentor, who have their sovereign bank account set up for their society, and are up to date with their mentor society intellectual property monthly dues $$$.
Globally Available Local Events & Opportunities
Sovereign Society Directory:
We will have this up in the next week or two, for those who have their bank account set up and are in good standing. You must also have your society cause, program, merchandise etc. established. If you do not yet, message us and we will happily set up an appointment to go through the process together.
Sovereign Marketplace Commission Sales Products:
We are finalizing sales contracts with several groups and organizations. The products we are getting involved with include; health products, encrypted healthy frequency satellite cell phones, natural building products, construction products and services etc. This opportunity is open to those we mentor in good standing. You will be able to sell these products to the public as well as your own society membership base to earn money. This can make you very rich, very quickly.
Freedom & Rights Outreach Teams:
We are looking for regional managers Globally. This is an amazing growth opportunity. The position entails hiring city and local managers who hire and guide local teams. The local team’s job is to give out free freedom information and collect emails door to door in public and at events. As a regional manager you do not have to canvass yourself. We have a few people we mentor starting to do this now. B.C. is already taken, see below how the pay works. If you live in B.C. you can still be a city manager if you wish. Other provinces and states are open.
We have run this program for 14 years and these are the law of averages for realistic earnings. For every 100 emails collected we expect 30 sales as an average result.
Team Member- Team members get 15 dollars per email lead that results in a paid sale
Manager/Team Leader Override - The manager is gifted 1 dollar per sign up that results in paid sale as a Management/Team Leader Override plus 15 dollars per email lead each team member gets that results in a paid sale. Approximately 30% sales rate can be expected.
Example Team Member- 6 hour shift = 100 emails = 30 sales x 15 dollars = 450 dollars that shift
Example Team Leader – 6 hour shift x 4 team members x 100 emails each = 400 emails = 30% sales rate x 1 dollar override = 120 dollars + own commission for emails and sales they make themselves.
Example Manager – 6 hour shift x 20 team members x 100 emails per team member = 2000 emails = 30% sales rate = 600 sales = 600 dollars that shift
Community Food Program:
You run a food bank for your area, from your own home. Teams go out and collect food and money. You get paid in both food and money. You help feed the area and help the world.
Message for details.
Monthly Zoom Meeting For All Those We Mentor:
We get asked who else is doing this process. The last day of every month we will be hosting a zoom meeting for those we mentor. YOU ARE INVITED! The last day of the month at 8pm Winnipeg time on zoom. Here is the link for you.
Marcel Bessette's Personal Meeting Room
Meeting ID
Meeting ID
837 797 1115
checked Waiting Room
Invite Link https://us06web.zoom.us/j/8377971115?pwd=Y2Z5S01iS0ZzYS9xZVhCa09CMEd4dz09
In Closing
To those who are always on time with mentor dues, thank you so much. To those who are late know we understand it can be hard to remember. We have added a plans and pricing section on the website which now auto debits your credit card. We pay extra for this, so if you wish to do this option it bumps your monthly rate up to $90/month. It says on there that it also bumps up your royalty to us to 20%. As you are already someone we mentor, you will stay at 10%. You also still get personal coaching. We are about to get 10,000 plus new mentors per day so we are automating our systems. For those who got in early you will still enjoy the same deal you signed up for. We honor you in that way. To those who do etransfer, please ensure your monthly gift is on time and up to date, as we will be implementing late fee’s moving forward. We will send you the updated contract when it is finalized. If you are struggling financially, just start a program above, to ensure you have the capital needed to run your society and stay in good standing with mentor dues.
We look forward to seeing you at the monthly mentoree zoom meeting. It will be on the last day of the month, each month. At 8pm Winnipeg time. See you then, have a great day. Email us back if you are interested in any of the above mentioned opportunities.